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Locklift uses a configuration file named locklift.config.ts by default. This file is crucial for setting up your Locklift environment and specifying how your project will interact with different networks.

Here's an expanded layout of a locklift.config.ts file with more detailed configuration options:

import { LockliftConfig } from 'locklift';
import { FactorySource } from './build/factorySource';

declare global {
  const locklift: import('locklift').Locklift<FactorySource>;

  process.env.NETWORK_ENDPOINT || 'http://localhost/graphql';


// Create your own link on

const config: LockliftConfig = {
  compiler: {
    // Specify path to your TON-Solidity-Compiler
    // path: "/mnt/o/projects/broxus/TON-Solidity-Compiler/build/solc/solc",

    // Or specify version of compiler
    version: '0.62.0',

    // Specify config for external contracts as in example
    // externalContracts: {
    //   "node_modules/broxus-ton-tokens-contracts/build": ['TokenRoot', 'TokenWallet']
    // }
  linker: {
    // Specify path to your stdlib
    // lib: "/mnt/o/projects/broxus/TON-Solidity-Compiler/lib/stdlib_sol.tvm",
    // // Specify path to your Linker
    // path: "/mnt/o/projects/broxus/TVM-linker/target/release/tvm_linker",

    // Or specify version of linker
    version: '0.15.48',
  networks: {
    local: {
      // Specify connection settings for
      connection: {
        id: 1,
        group: 'localnet',
        type: 'graphql',
        data: {
          endpoints: [LOCAL_NETWORK_ENDPOINT],
          latencyDetectionInterval: 1000,
          local: true,
      // This giver is default local-node giverV2
      giver: {
        // Check if you need provide custom giver
        key: '172af540e43a524763dd53b26a066d472a97c4de37d5498170564510608250c3',
      tracing: {
        endpoint: LOCAL_NETWORK_ENDPOINT,
      keys: {
        // Use everdev to generate your phrase
        // !!! Never commit it in your repos !!!
          'action inject penalty envelope rabbit element slim tornado dinner pizza off blood',
        amount: 20,
    // Other networks...
  mocha: {
    timeout: 2000000,


The compiler field in the configuration is used to set the version of the compiler that you're using. You can also specify a path to your TON-Solidity-Compiler, or specify config for external contracts.

compiler: {
  // Specify path to your TON-Solidity-Compiler
  path: "/mnt/o/projects/broxus/TON-Solidity-Compiler/build/solc/solc",

  // Or specify version of compiler
  version: "0.62.0",

  // Specify config for extarnal contracts as in exapmple
  externalContracts: {
    "node_modules/@broxus/tip3/build": ["TokenRoot", "TokenWallet"],

External Contracts

The externalContracts field in the compiler configuration is used to specify paths to external contracts that you want to use in your project. This can be useful when you want to use pre-built contracts rather than writing them from scratch.

For example, if you want to use token contracts from the @broxus/tip3 repository, you can specify the path to the build directory of that repository and the names of the contracts you want to use:

externalContracts: {
  "node_modules/@broxus/tip3/build": ["TokenRoot", "TokenWallet"],

Then, you can import these contracts in your contract code as follows:

import '@broxus/contracts/contracts/utils/RandomNonce.sol';

import "@broxus/tip3/contracts/interfaces/IAcceptTokensTransferCallback.sol";
import "@broxus/tip3/contracts/interfaces/IAcceptTokensMintCallback.sol";
import "@broxus/tip3/contracts/interfaces/IBounceTokensTransferCallback.sol";

import "../libraries/GitcoinErrors.sol";

contract MyContract is RandomNonce, IAcceptTokensTransferCallback, IAcceptTokensMintCallback, IBounceTokensTransferCallback { }


The linker field is used to specify the version of the linker. You can also specify a path to your stdlib or Linker.

linker: {
  // Specify path to your stdlib
  // lib: "/mnt/o/projects/broxus/TON-Solidity-Compiler/lib/stdlib_sol.tvm",
  // // Specify path to your Linker
  // path: "/mnt/o/projects/broxus/TVM-linker/target/release/tvm_linker",

  // Or specify version of linker
  version: "0.15.48",


The networks field allows you to specify the different networks that you'll be connecting to. Each network that you're using must be defined separately, with its own connection, giver, and keys.

In addition to the networks you define, Locklift comes bundled with a built-in network called Locklift, a local TVM network node designed for development. By default, if you're using Locklift, then you're already using the Locklift network. When Locklift executes your tests, scripts, or tasks, an in-process Locklift network node is started automatically.


For more information about the Locklift network, see the Locklift Networks page.

networks: {
  locklift: {
    connection: {
      id: 1001,
      // @ts-ignore
      type: "proxy",
      // @ts-ignore
      data: {},
    keys: {
      // Use everdev to generate your phrase
      // !!! Never commit it in your repos !!!
      phrase: "action inject penalty envelope rabbit element slim tornado dinner pizza off blood",
      amount: 20,
  local: {
    // Specify connection settings for
    connection: {
      id: 1,
      group: "localnet",
      type: "graphql",
      data: {
        endpoints: [LOCAL_NETWORK_ENDPOINT],
        latencyDetectionInterval: 1000,
        local: true,
    keys: {
      // Use everdev to generate your phrase
      // !!! Never commit it in your repos !!!
      // phrase: "action inject penalty envelope rabbit element slim tornado dinner pizza off blood",
      amount: 20,
  test: {
    connection: {
      id: 1,
      type: "graphql",
      group: "dev",
      data: {
        endpoints: [DEV_NET_NETWORK_ENDPOINT],
        latencyDetectionInterval: 1000,
        local: false,
    keys: {
      // Use everdev to generate your phrase
      // !!! Never commit it in your repos !!!
      // phrase: "action inject penalty envelope rabbit element slim tornado dinner pizza off blood",
      amount: 20,
  venom_testnet: {
    connection: {
      id: 1000,
      type: "jrpc",
      group: "dev",
      data: {
        endpoint: VENOM_TESTNET_ENDPOINT,
    giver: {
      address: "0:0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
      phrase: "phrase",
      accountId: 0,
    keys: {
      // Use everdev to generate your phrase
      // !!! Never commit it in your repos !!!
      // phrase: "action inject penalty envelope rabbit element slim tornado dinner pizza off blood",
      amount: 20,
  main: {
    // Specify connection settings for
    connection: {
      id: 1,
      type: "graphql",
      group: "main",
      data: {
        endpoints: [MAIN_NET_NETWORK_ENDPOINT],
        latencyDetectionInterval: 1000,
        local: false,
    keys: {
      // Use everdev to generate your phrase
      // !!! Never commit it in your repos !!!
      // phrase: "action inject penalty envelope rabbit element slim tornado dinner pizza off blood",
      amount: 20,


The connection field within each network configuration allows you to specify the settings for connecting to that network. There are two types of transport that you can use: graphql and jrpc. The configuration for each type of transport looks like this:

connection: {
  id: 1,
  group: "localnet",
  type: "graphql",
  data: {
    endpoints: [LOCAL_NETWORK_ENDPOINT],
    latencyDetectionInterval: 1000,
    local: true,
connection: {
  id: 1,
  type: 'jrpc',
  group: 'main',
  data: {
    endpoint: process.env.MAINNET_RPC_NETWORK_ENDPOINT ?? '',


The Giver module in Locklift is akin to a specialized smart contract designed with the specific role of distributing tokens. In the context of a local node (sandbox), a preset Giver exists, already equipped with native tokens for your convenience. The giver field within each network configuration allows you to specify the settings for the giver for that network.

All known wallets and givers such as EverWallet or GiverV2 (from local node) will be detected automatically. You only need to provide giver credentials - (address, secret key, or phrase with account id). If you want to use something custom you will need to provide a giverFactory callback for networks.giver.giverFactory that callback should return something that implements the Giver interface.

One of the key functionalities offered by the TestnetGiver is a sendTo method, defined via a specified ABI:

declare const testnetGiverAbi: {
  readonly 'ABI version': 2;
  readonly header: readonly ['pubkey', 'time', 'expire'];
  readonly functions: readonly [
      readonly name: 'sendGrams';
      readonly inputs: readonly [
          readonly name: 'dest';
          readonly type: 'address';
          readonly name: 'amount';
          readonly type: 'uint64';
      readonly outputs: readonly [];
  readonly events: readonly [];

The sendGrams function is central to the Giver module. It facilitates the token transfer process from the Giver to any specified address.

Example of a Custom Giver

You can also create a custom giver. Here's an example of a custom giver found on GitHub:

giver: {
  giverFactory: (ever, keyPair, address) => new SimpleGiver(ever, keyPair, address),
  address: "0:ece57bcc6c530283becbbd8a3b24d3c5987cdddc3c8b7b33be6e4a6312490415",
  key: "172af540e43a524763dd53b26a066d472a97c4de37d5498170564510608250c3",

And the SimpleGiver class:

import {
} from 'locklift';
import { Ed25519KeyPair } from 'everscale-standalone-client';

// Reimplements this class if you need to use custom giver contract
export class SimpleGiver implements Giver {
  public giverContract: Contract<typeof giverAbi>;

    ever: ProviderRpcClient,
    readonly keyPair: Ed25519KeyPair,
    address: string
  ) {
    const giverAddr = new Address(address);
    this.giverContract = new ever.Contract(giverAbi, giverAddr);

  public async sendTo(
    sendTo: Address,
    value: string
  ): Promise<{ transaction: Transaction; output?: {} }> {
    return this.giverContract.methods
        value: value,
        dest: sendTo,
        bounce: false,
      .sendExternal({ publicKey: this.keyPair.publicKey });

This SimpleGiver class is a reimplementation of the Giver interface and can be used to create a custom giver contract. It includes a sendTo method that sends a transaction to a specified address.


The keys field within each network configuration allows you to specify settings for the keys that will be used when interacting with that network. The phrase used here is utilized by the Keystore module to deterministically generate pairs of public and private keys.

keys: {
  phrase: "action inject penalty envelope rabbit element slim tornado dinner pizza off blood",
  amount: 20,

Then the signer can be obtained as follows:

const signer = await locklift.keystore.getSigner('0');
const signer2 = await locklift.keystore.getSigner('1');


The mocha field allows you to specify settings for the Mocha testing framework.

mocha: {
  timeout: 2000000,

This example sets the timeout for Mocha tests to 2000 seconds.

Package.json Overrides

Along with the locklift.config.ts configuration file, Locklift also utilizes the package.json file for configuring certain aspects of your project. One such aspect is the version of the Nekoton WASM SDK that your project uses.

Locklift uses an extended version of the Nekoton WASM SDK, and you can ensure that all sub-libraries use this extended version by adding an overrides field to your package.json file. Here's what the overrides field should look like:

"overrides": {
  "nekoton-wasm": "npm:nekoton-wasm-locklift@^1.20.2"

Adding this field to your package.json file ensures that all sub-libraries in your project use the extended version of the Nekoton WASM SDK that is compatible with Locklift.